
MY stay at the NGO Navkshitij for 15 days was the one of the most important ones in my life. My mission here was to implement an effective marketing strategy, and even now, from Brazil, we will continue to work on this, but besides that we have been able to modernize Navkshitij presentations. This will ensure and attract publicity and consequently more supporters for this amazing project. When I had to return to Brazil, I felt sad as I had become a member and part of the Navkshitij Family.

I summarize this experience in two words, admiration and total respect for the organization, which gives a new life to special friends, a life full of activities, tasks, and fun. The special friends really feel important, and that is one of the main objectives at Navkshitij – to restore to them their self-esteem. Thank you for everything, Navkshitij. I did my best to transform you, but I returned to Brazil transformed.

The work you guys do is really amazing, thanks for those two weeks. I want to come back as soon as possible! Namaste!

By Wesley Rodrigues, volunteer from Brazil

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