

Empowering Minds, Embracing Potential:
Building Bridges for Mental Inclusion

We have a range of activities, carefully designed to cater to the physical and mental needs of the mentally challenged friends. Our speciality is our adventure activities held under the aegis of Navkshitij Adventure Club. We ensure that there is a good dose of interaction with mainstream society. The activities for an entire year are decided well in advance. We also incorporate activities in which mentally challenged friends from other organisations get an opportunity to interact with our Friends.

Navkshitij Adventure Club

Navkshitij Adventure Club provides a platform for individuals to explore and embrace the thrill of outdoor activities. From hiking to rock climbing and other adventurous pursuits, the club encourages participants to step out of their comfort zones and experience the joy of physical challenges in a supportive environment.


Navkshitij organises treks to help connect our special friends with nature while at the same time ensuring their physical fitness. Participants embark on journeys through scenic landscapes. The special friends develop a great appreciation for the outdoors. More than anything else, their bonding is cemented during these outings.

Dr. Neelima Desai Karandak
(an Interschool Drama Competition)

This annual drama competition is a testament to the organisation’s commitment to nurturing artistic talent among students. The event brings together schools and encourages creativity, teamwork and self-expression through the medium of theatre. The greatest benefit is the boost to the special friends’ happiness, self-confidence and self-esteem.

Parvati Hill Climbing Competition

The Parvati Hill Climbing Competition is an exciting event that combines physical fitness with the thrill of conquering heights and overcoming challenges. Participants take on the challenge of ascending Parvati Hill. The output: fostering a sense of achievement and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

Street Play and Walkathon

Street Play and Walkathon are initiatives that focus on raising awareness about mentally challenged persons through creative performances in public spaces. Together, they are a force to reckon with. Both street plays and walkathons are powerful media; they engage communities, spark conversations and promote positive change.

Traffic Discipline

Recognising the importance of responsible behaviour on the roads, our monthly Traffic Discipline programme aims to educate and instill a sense of responsibility among the citizens of Pune. Through workshops, campaigns and awareness initiatives, participants learn about the importance of following traffic rules and about road safety overall.

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